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Forthcoming Events

10th International Phosphorus Workshop
The Great Debate: the Future of Phosphorus
Thursday 29th August 2024
10th International Phosphorus Workshop
University of Dundee
Dundee, Scotland
Chair: Caspar Hewett

POLITICS in PUBS Newcastle
In light of Labour's election victory, has woke won?
An evening with author and commentator Joanna Williams
7pm, Tuesday 17th September 2024

Has the challenge to woke the agenda come to an end with the new Labour government? What does this mean for the majority of people who don't buy into this worldview?

Come and have your say. Everyone welcome. Click here for further details

ice north east and The Great Debate present
ice breaking dialogues

The ice breaking dialogues has been on hold since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, but we hope to be back with you soon!

We are always planning more events - Watch this space or join
The Great Debate facebook group,
visit The Great Debate facebook page
and/or follow us on twitter: @greatdebateuk

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© C J M Hewett, 2024